Your (Sick, Strange, and Twisted) Queries!

Here are some search engine queries from the past month that resulted in a visit by someone to my site. All of the data comes from Google Analytics, which is a very cool and free way for people to track web traffic statistics on a number of different factors. There isn't an Analytics API yet, so the way this data is automatically scraped is pretty hacky. If you're interested in how I did it, read here and if for some reason you're interested in queries from past months, those date links above might help. Printing reports like this is easy now that Google has a GData Export API for Analytics.

The common themes for visitor traffic seems to be rapping and nipples, two topics I don't really have much content on. Oh well, life is full of disappointments.

parisa tabriz... 15
parisa... 6
mugdha bendre... 4
asi rap... 3
amazing face"" diablo... 2
asirap... 2 2
tabriz rap... 2
phantom spires"" ""gingerbread""... 1
poison oak"" ""weeks later""... 1
red rocks"" climbing... 1
stephanie leung"" berkeley... 1
5.6 trad climbs in joshua tree... 1
a case study of insider threat modifications legacy... 1
as i rap... 1
bob long rapper lime green 1 out of ten... 1
bonage rap... 1
byzantine attacks on anonymity systems borisov danezis tabriz... 1
chippers hill rap... 1
climb in the sun... 1
college parties traverse climbing... 1
denial of service or denial of security?: how attacks on reliability can compromise anonymity... 1
dominique kilman... 1
el capitan gully descent... 1
fuzzys skateboards... 1
ghost river ice climbing... 1
glass blowing classes in santa cruz... 1
guide+""grotto falls""+canmore... 1
i net tabriz... 1
i rap... 1
lovers leap california line... 1
mazatlan ""coat of arms""... 1
muir woods dipsea ben johnson steep ravine... 1
painful torturous sex... 1
pirelli & c.s.p.a.... 1
prateek mittal... 1
prison warden riddle... 1
rap tabriz... 1 1 christmas... 1
snow day raps... 1
solo cat in the hat climbing... 1
sophie chirs version sport... 1
subject-verb agreement... 1
tabriz... 1
theo rapper calgary... 1
topo ""cat in the hat"" climbing... 1
torched tits... 1
warhol marilyn... 1
white girl nipples... 1
wired top 10 most painful ways to die... 1